Wednesday, April 19, 2017

We need Renewal and Revival in Churches all over the world

WORD4TODAY: We all need revival in our church and in our country. However for Revival to start, there has to be renewal of our hearts and minds. When we humble ourselves and turn away from our sins, God will bring Revival in our church and country.

The secret of Revival is Prayer. Let us pray that God will visit his people in might way. Usually Revival starts with prayer among small group of people. Then fire of revival spreads and many more will join the prayer groups. We would see people coming to church and churches being filled or fully packed. Revival would touch people and they would start inquiring about God and seek God. Churches would reap great  harvest  and be edified. Let us pray that God will bring such a Revival in our churches and all over the world.

Prayers brings Renewal and Revival, which is the need of the hour.

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