Friday, April 21, 2017

Continue in Faith, Love and Good Works

WORD4TODAY: Let us continue in faith without doubting at all times. God is Faithful and is able to do what he has promised. Let us also encourage to love one another and to do good works. People should see the good work that we do and praise our God. Below are few good works that we can do to please God : 
  1. Praise and worship God.
  2. Praying for others.
  3. Visiting sick in hospitals.
  4. Visiting prisoners.
  5. Helping elder people.
  6. Helping orphans and widows.
  7. Doing charity to the poor and needy
  8. Encouraging others, make people smile
  9. Continuing in fellowship and encouraging other people
  10. Being a part of God's ministry and spread the Word of God.
Let people see our good works  & understand God's love through us. May God strengthen and help us to do above good works and many more in our lives.

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